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We are a small school in a village named Hazlov. It is located in the westest part of the Czech Republic and the nearest bigger town is named Cheb. We’ re the primary school, there are 135 pupils from the 1st to 9th grade (ages 6 – 15) and 14 teachers take care about them. We offer subjects as Czech and English languages, Maths, Geograpfy, History, Physics, Biology, ICT, Social education, Arts, PE, Music. English we have from the 1st grade but our children aren´t very good in it. They lack practice in speaking and listening to a native speaker so I think children will have the chance to improve their skills thanks to this project.
But not only this. We expect that our pupils prove their interest in cultures of other countries in Europe, they will know new friends, gain new experiences, they will have the chance to visit other countries theirselves. . As many parents of them are unemployed and have financial problems many children haven´t been to abroad even they haven´t visited other towns in the Czech Republic yet.
We (teachers) expect from the project meeting new colleagues, knowledge of new or different methods.
Czech Republic
Family stories
Czech Republic
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